Hmmmm... Now, why would you want to name your Taxi "JEBS"? Discuss... :)
you think you know, but you have no idea.
It sucks when you want something so bad and you just can’t have it.
It’s frustrating, knowing that now, for the first time, you know exactly what you want but you just can’t have it, you simply can’t. Why? Because they won’t let you.
I hate it when people tell me I can’t do something. I hate it even more when people don’t let me do something I want to do.
It’s annoying when you are presented with options and when you have finally decided that you are going for option X – when you finally know what you want, when you planned and day-dreamed what you will do for the next 3years or so – you’re told that you can’t choose Option X. Just like that… You can’t.
You want me to do something I don’t want. And what’s with the hurry? I don’t get it.
Make me understand.