Monday, July 30, 2007

Relax... Watch The Simpsons Movie!

Do yourself a favor: Watch The Simpsons Movie.

At first, I was a bit hesitant to watch the movie as it is only 75 minutes long (including credits) and I have not seen the trailer yet - I don't have any expectations about the movie.

When we got there, the moviehouse was jam-packed. Some were standing in the sides and at the back.

Then the movie started. I was laughing my lungs out throughout the entire movie. One of the best movies I've seen. Even better than Transformers. Dami magre-react nito! Hehe!

I don't want to give the movie away but i just want to share some of the scenes/lines that up to now make me laugh:

1. Homer pointing at his Pig: "He's not SpiderPig anymore, He's Harry Plopper/Flopper!" (whatever that Pig's name is) complete with rimmed glassed and lightning scar on the pig's forehead.

2. President Schwarzenneger: "I was elected to LEAD, not to READ."

3. Homer on the sled with his dogs: "Run (Whip!), Run (Whip!), Run (Whip!), Jump (Whip!), Jump (Whip!), Jump (Whip!), Run (Whip!), Run (Whip!), Run (Whip!), REST (WHIP!), REST (WHIP!), REST (WHIP!)" Ayun, nilapa tuloy!

4. The Medicine Woman (Homer refers to as "Boob Lady") showing Homer the Path with her, uhm, boobs? :)

5. Bart on the skateboard naked, and a kid sees him says: "I like MEN now!"

and more!

JUST WATCH IT! It'll be worth every cent.

Do you want to Simpsonize yourself? Just go to to know how. This is Simpsonized Enzo.

And this is Simpsonized Enzo at the Lake with Greenday, Homer and Bart!

Did I mention to do yourself a favor and watch this movie?


Hi to all my avid blog readers! (yes, the eight of you!) It's been a while since I last updated my blog, I was busy with, what else, work (blah! blah! blah!). Been stressed out this past few days, feels like having a heart-attack everytime a job doesn't start on time or a table isn't loaded after new-day or a certain report has not been processed yet. Thank God for my "senior" teammates and Chief who is skilled at "Dark Arts". But I'm getting there, I'm getting the hang of it.

Plus I just had my DSL connected yesterday (Yey!) without, again BOYS and GIRLS (Haha! Sounds familiar?) WITHOUT the Installation fee. :)

I have lots of entries though, some I think are very "dangerous" to post. Haha! You know what I mean. Before, I was like "The hell with them, this is personal. BLOG is PERSONAL", but some people might use it against you, heck, a certain person DID use it against a friend. I was even suspected of writing it. I was so baffled back then, thought of quitting. Now, I just laugh about it.

Well, I learned from it, we all learned from it, the hard way unfortunately.

Hmmm, on second thought, it did do us some good. I will not explain further, the topic is a bit sensitive and "dangerous". Hehe! Heto na naman ako. Pasensya na. Got carried away.

I also wasn't able to write because of Hairy PotPot. Got a great deal! 2 new books - the 6th and 7th installment - hardbound for only... P1, 680! My sister will be very happy! I was planning to send the books to Davao after I got the books, but I read the first page and can't stop from reading. Damn you J. K. Rowling! Read somewhere that she's already a Billionaire because of her Hairy PotPot Series. Lucky B*tch.

Speaking of B*tches, a certain B*tch comes to mind (No, Piotrek, not her...), when the HP6 and HP7 books were available and about to be delivered, being Enzo i woke up late (since this meeting is not that important). My contact called me and asked if I was already in the office, i told him 'NO' and that I just woke up. He suggested to leave the books to our AA, I agreed but she wasn't in the office, either. So he just said to leave the Books to Manong Guard. Excited, I immediately prepared to go to RS to get the books.

And what did I see? The elevator door opened and I saw Manong Guard reading MY Hairy PotPot Book 7. He already had a good number of chapters read, I approached him and said "Boss, Lorenzo po." He was surprised, maybe because I saw him reading a book while on duty. Or maybe because I saw him reading a book that WAS NOT HIS while on duty. Or maybe, just maybe, because I saw him reading a book that WAS NOT HIS while on duty that turned out to be MINE.

Anyway, he hastily handed me the books and I went inside to tell this story to my friends. Hehehehe! (There, finally got it out.)

Now that I have my DSL, I have a new problem - I can't make my wireless router work. I have tried configuring it yesterday, maybe a dozen times and i still can't connect to the Internet. I followed every single instruction in the Internet but it still won't work. It's a D-link DI-624+. Anyone, Please help!

Ok, back to Snoozeville!